Our 5 Step Programme:


We start by giving you the tools to really think about where you are and where you want to be. We all have such busy lives now, that rarely do we have time to do this, but it can be a really powerful first step to getting to where we want to go.


We can’t pick and choose what we want to become aware of so sometimes what comes up in Step 1 is uncomfortable or unfamiliar. Allowing yourself to move to a space where you can accept the good and the bad elements of your current life means that you can move onto making changes.


Once we are comfortable with our whole selves we can move on to discovering how our current self is showing up in our day to day life - at work, with family, in social situations - and we can start to think about how we might want to change that and the resources we have available.


Once we know what changes we want to make and what resources we have available to us, we can start to practice the changes we’d like to see in our lives. We can practice and adapt until we are happy to take these new skills into our everyday lives.


Ultimately, the aim is to develop the skills we need to be confident to take on our lives and know that we can not only cope, but thrive in every aspect.