A safe space in which to learn and grow.
Why horses?
Horses are herd living, prey animals whose senses have developed to protect them from predators in the wild.
There is safety in numbers and so horses are very good at building relationships with others and creating a society in which every member is valued and cared for.
Engaging with the herd, provides a mirror in which we can see our place in society and work out what we should or could do to change it.
As prey animals, horses are highly aware of the energy and intention of those around them. They live in the moment, not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, and so can give an instant, authentic response to how we show up in different situations.
For me, the best bit of working with these animals is that their response is unbiased and non-judgemental. They do not recognise race, gender, status or title – just who we are at our core.
What is Equine Assisted Learning?
Each EAL interaction will involve at least 3 key participants - the client, the horse and the facilitator. The horse provides the authentic feedback which is interpreted by the facilitator and discussed with the client, providing the opportunity for the client to develop critical life skills such as self awareness, communication and decision making. Using a range of interactions, the facilitator will provide the right experience to ensure the client can achieve their learning goals.
5 steps to a healthier, happier life
Whether working with individuals or teams, our work is always based on our 5 step programme. Read more here.